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Grounded theoretical practice: This is research based on the observations or data from which it was developed. Various lines of evidence used in the theory are quantitative data, file review, interviews, observations and surveys. They are typically used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or reinterpret existing ones, but have also proven to be a useful methodology for legal purposes. For example, many of our old laws were influenced by British rule. It was only later that we improved many laws and, after our independence, created new simplified laws. Another way to think about this type of research would be to observe, develop a concept or theories that are consistent with previous theories and hopefully derive new theories from them. Analytical legal research is a style of qualitative inquiry. This is a specific type of research that involves critical thinking skills and the evaluation of facts and information in relation to the research being conducted. Lawyers often use an analytical approach to their legal research to find the most relevant information. From analytical research, a person discovers critical details to add new ideas to the material produced. Descriptive legal research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon being studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research topic than on the “why” of the research topic. In other words, descriptive legal research primarily focuses on the nature of a demographic without focusing on “why” something is happening.

In other words, it is a description that does not cover the “why” aspect of the research topic. The central question of the investigation here is: “What is the law?” on a particular topic. It is a question of finding the law, analyzing it rigorously and finding the logical reasons for it. Therefore, it contributes enormously to the continuity, consistency and security of the law. Basic information can be found in legally required material, that is, qualitative legal research is a subjective form of research based on the analysis of the controlled observations of the legal researcher. In qualitative research, data are obtained from a relatively small group of subjects. The data are not analysed using statistical techniques. Typically, narrative data is collected through qualitative research. Quantitative legal research is a feature of descriptive legal research methodology, which attempts to gather quantifiable information used for the statistical analysis of the population sample. It is a popular search tool that allows us to collect and describe the type of demographic. Quantitative Legal Research collects information from existing and potential data using sampling methods such as online surveys, online surveys, questionnaires, etc., the results of which can be presented in digital form. After understanding these numbers, it is possible to predict the future and make changes to manage the situation.

Narratology: It refers to the theory and study of narrative and narrative structure. It also shows how the result affects the researcher`s perception. It is also called social law research and examines how law and legal institutions shape and influence society. It uses methods from other disciplines to generate empirical data to answer questions. Qualitative research can be adopted as a method of studying people or systems by interacting with subjects and observing them regularly. The different methods used for data collection in qualitative research are grounded theoretical practice, narratology, storytelling, and ethnography. Empirical legal research describes how the role of legislation, regulation, legal policy and other legal arrangements in society can be studied. It serves as a guide for paralegals, lawyers, and law students on empirical legal research, covering history, methods, evidence, knowledge growth, and connections to normativity. This multidisciplinary approach combines ideas and approaches from various social sciences, evaluation studies, big data analysis and empirically informed ethics.

Legodesk is the best cloud-based legal case management software for lawyers. It also helps clients find a lawyer. Want to know more? Sign up today to start your free trial or contact us if you have any questions. Applied legal research is a methodology used to find a solution to an urgent practical problem. This is a simple practical approach to the case you are working on. This is an in-depth research on a specific area of law, followed by gathering information on all the technical legal rules and principles applied and obtaining an opinion on the prospects for the client in the scenario. This includes a comparison of legal doctrines, legislation and foreign laws. It highlights the cultural and social nature of the law and how it works in different environments. It is therefore useful for developing, amending and amending the law.

But, for example, the study of fluctuations in crime rates in India between 2010 and 2020 is an example of descriptive research; while explaining why and how crime rates have increased over time is an example of analytical research. For example, researchers could conduct basic research on illiteracy leading to unemployment. The results of this theoretical research could lead to further studies aimed at solving specific problems of unemployment. Pure legal research is also called basic legal research and usually focuses on generalizing and formulating a theory. The goal of this type of research methodology is to broaden the understanding of a particular field of study. This is a more general form of approach to the case you are working on. The researcher does not focus on the practical benefits, for example, pharmaceutical companies use empirical research to try a particular drug on controlled groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. An example of quantitative research is the survey, which was conducted to understand how long cases are processed before the Supreme Court and how long it takes between the presentation of the case and the delivery of the judgment.

The submission of a complainant`s satisfaction survey can be managed to ask questions, e.B. how long the trial took, how many times it was submitted to the court, and other such questions. Primary sources as well as in secondary sources. However, research has its own limitations, it is subjective, which is limited to the perception of the researcher, far from the actual functioning of the law, free from factors that lie outside the limits of the law, and does not focus on the actual practice of the courts. Conceptual legal research is defined as a methodology in which research is conducted by observing and analyzing already existing information on a particular topic. Conceptual research does not involve practical experiences. It refers to abstract concepts or ideas. Legal research is a systematic understanding of the law, taking into account its progress.

The law generally works within society and the two have an influence on each other. Each type of research methodology has its own value. However, during the course of research, a researcher may face some obstacles that can be avoided if they plan the research process correctly. For example, a lawyer who wants to understand crime trends in Mumbai will conduct a demographic survey in that region, collect demographic data, and then conduct descriptive research on that demographic. .